We consulted with tenants over December 2023 and January 2024 on options for increasing 2024/2025 rent levels.
The consultation involved us sending a rent consultation newsletter (available at CHA Rent Options 2024-2025) and an individual letter to every tenant detailing how the two rent increase options would impact on their future rent charge. A paper feedback form was also contained in the newsletter along with a pre-paid envelope for tenants to advise us on their preferred option. Other forms of feedback available to tenants included a text message feedback form, calling us, emailing us and using the contact form from this website.
The consultation presented two rent increase options: 5% or 8.7% (September 2023 Consumer Prices Index + 2%)
Participation Levels: Participation levels in the consultation were our highest ever: 349 tenants participated, i.e., almost 48% of all tenants.
Consultation Results: 327 tenants (97% of those who took part) told us that they had a preferrance for a 5% rent increase. Only 22 tenants (6% of those who participated) told us that they thought an 8.7% increase was appropriate.
Rent Increase Decision: Our Management Committee met on 21 February 2024 to review the consultation results as part of the final rent increase decision-making process. Based on the detailed financial plans, rent affordability levels and this feedback received from tenants, The Committee decided to limit the 2024/2025 rent increase to 5%.
All tenants have now received formal written notice of what their new rent will be.
Tenants who think they might face difficulty in paying the new rent charge should contact our Housing Management Team on 0808 175 6288 for advice and support.