2025-2026 Rent Options Consultation

You will now have received our newsletter explaining the rent increase options for the period the 1st of April 2025 to the 31st of March 2026. You can view our newsletter here

We listen to, value and act on the views of our tenants and we encourage you to share your thoughts on the proposed options. All responses to the consultation will be considered by our Management Committee who will use what you have told us to inform their decision on the rent increase for the period the 1st of April 2025 to the 31st of March 2026 at their meeting in February 2025.

Choose how you want to take part in this rent consultation using one of the methods below:

  • Click on the link in the text or email we send you.
  • Complete the consultation form in the newsletter and return it to us in the prepaid envelope provided.
  • Phone us on 0808 175 6288
  • Email us at: mail@clydesdale-housing.org.uk
  • Online on our website at http://www.clydesdale-housing.org.uk/contact-us/ 
  • Write to us at Clydesdale Housing Association, CHA Community Hub, 39 North Vennel, Lanark, ML11 7PT

Whatever method you choose make please ensure you get it to us by 4pm on Monday the 27th of January 2025